u already sent these on discord but i love the perspective of the floating grass it just looks really rad
u already sent these on discord but i love the perspective of the floating grass it just looks really rad
HELL YEAH this is rad your use of colors are eyecatching and I love it
Based on the color from the game, but it was fun to experiment with them!
hell yeah you should try bigger outlines more often this rad
the lineart is legitemetly so pretty amazing stuff!
the shading looks so well done on this this is rad
holy crap real talk your lineart color scheme and composition in general is so dope
whgt the dog doi n
Doin ur mom doin ur mo
This is genuinely amazing! literally everything in this especially the color and shading is incredibly fluid and great looking, incredible work
The paper in the top left is dopamine
god damn i love ur poses and anatomy in general gr8 work as always
Joined on 8/20/20